
Meet some of the talented faculty members, staff, and students in the Quantitative Biomedical Research Center (QBRC) at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

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In the QBRC, we have multiple research labs for interdisciplinary biological research. Collaboration and teamwork are our keywords here.

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We provide online tools and packages for biological research. Our computational biology team is continually releasing software to aid with statistical analysis.

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BME 5096-01: Machine Learning

16 weeks starting on Aug 16, 2022

Term: Fall 2022
Days & Times: Tu/Thu, 10:30 am-12:00 pm

  • Introduction to methods for hypothesis testing and statistical inference, and statistical learning methods for prediction and classification.
  • In the first five weeks, the course will cover how to analyze different types of data, including analysis methods for continuous, categorical, and survival. Upon completion of the first ten weeks, students should be able to think critically about data and apply appropriate statistical inference procedures to draw conclusions from such analyses.
  • In the last three weeks, the course will discuss deep learning, Bayesian statistics, causal inference and computational approaches for predictive modeling and data mining.

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